Rain Water
Collection Project
Haiti Plunge Inc (HPI) serves nine bush villages in Haiti's central plateau, which span a 25-mile radius. The 40,000+ people living in the area of these villages do not have access to running water or electricity. Well rigs cannot reach these villages because there are no roads. Currently the population HPI serves has to walk three to four miles daily to the nearest spring to collect their water supply. Each bucket weighs 50 pounds.
HPI has started the Rain Water Collection project to install gutters along buildings that run into storage tanks so that the people can have drinking water. The people can draw the water from the tank and pass it through bio-sand filters to purify it. The Rain Water Collection Project is in the center of the village and accessible to more of the population.
The 2020 goal is to build twelve rain gutter units in the remote village of Brely. When the tanks are filled, the overflow is channeled into in-ground cisterns. This type of rain collection water system is the only solution for getting potable water into the villages high in the Haitian mountainside. During the rainy season, the rains are very heavy. Storing the water for the dry seasons will help the farmers grow a third crop using the cistern for irrigation.
HPI staff will be collecting data for future use as the project moves forward.

So how can you help?
We need donations to "Give the Gift of Water". Each unit will cost $1,145 to install, bringing the project cost in Brely to $10,050 with units that are already installed. Every donation brings this village closer to having clean drinking water and closer to having a sustainable farming village with the possibility of a third crop. Please consider helping this very worthy cause.